從小怕到大的英文, 突然就喜歡上了

故事從2019年的夏天說起, 一個剛進入30歲的年輕大叔對生活充滿了乏味無趣還有些迷惘, 於是上網買下飛往澳洲的機票. 儘管朋友與家人擔憂他沒有任何在澳洲的朋友、沒有工作資訊、沒有英文基礎, 他依然獨自一人說走就走.
  不幸的是, 英文爛終究是英文爛. 在我國中體驗了放棄的喜悅之後, 我的英文水平一路都低於低標, 儘管在人生中多次嘗試提高我的英文水平, 像是大學明明有翻譯本卻硬要用原文書然後最後放棄閱讀, 還有當兵時總翻個單字本卻沒真的記起幾個字. 不論如何, 我到了澳洲英文也沒有因此變好. 像是我在一個菜單沒有圖片的餐館點餐將近花費了5分鐘, 才終於點取我在澳洲的第一餐, 經過多年我還是對那店員感到抱歉. 還有想買瓶紅酒去朋友家作客, 然而在超市晃了半小時最後卻買成了紅酒醋. 住在澳洲人的房子裡只能有簡單單字溝通. 主管對我說’’不管誰來跟我說了什麼, 就微笑然後說Yes Yes’’. 總結我的破英文在經過母語是英文的國家生活兩年之後, 進步了一點, 就那麼一點, 依然還是破英文.
  公司提議可以給我提供工作簽但我必須完成雅斯考試, 以我的情況如果沒有找專業人士幫忙, 那可以說是毫無希望. 於是我使用了朋友推薦的Amazing talker, 當時選擇了 Miss Soraya 真的是運氣好. 她也是剛使用這軟體的用戶, 她的簡介非常的優越. 在我朋友被美貌天仙的慫恿下, 我甚至就只是抱著運氣的心態去問問 她願不願意教我這樣的低水平. 然後就掉進了一個陷阱名叫愛情.
  Soraya 是一位擁有真正實力的老師, 本身就是母語者的她更擁有教育學士. 她會專業的分析個人水平, 並細心的凝定教學計畫. 以耐心的教導與學員練習, 特別的是她的笑容, it is an amazing just the way she always. 那情況像是比起我在乎考試, 我更在乎她了. 感受了她熱情的教導, 讓我感覺我怎能辜負如此棒的人.
  或許雅斯平均五分對多數人來說是件容易的事, 但我這特別特別破英文人士來說, 那真的曾是個遙不可及的事. 在她的教導之下, 我得到的突破, 不只身邊得朋友不可置信, 連我自己都笑得合不了嘴.
The story starts in the summer of 2019. An uncle who 30 years young feeling this world is such boring, and he lose his mind, then he bought a ticket for fly to Australia. Although his friends and family both worry him because he doesn’t have friends living in Australia, and he doesn’t have job information. What’s more, his English ability is suck; nevertheless, he still decided go alone.
Unfortunately, poor English still is poor English. After I got lazy when I was give up to study English, then my English never become better. It didn’t work even thought I try to push myself to improve my level for many times. For example, there are transform books which could use to university, but I still chose the book made by English, and then I give up. In addition, I always bring a vocabulary book go anywhere when I was an army; indeed, I didn’t remember many words. Whatever, my English didn’t become better even I have been Australia. Such as, I spent about 5 minutes for older my first meal in Australia, even now I’m still feeling sorry for the clerk. And I wanted to bring a wine to my friend’s home for a gift, then I had searched it in supermarket for half hour. In the end, I made a mistake that to bought a wine vinegar. I am living in an oz’s home, but we can’t have conversation because I was only able to a few words. And my supervisor told me’’ No matter who or what they told you, just smile and say Yes Yes.’’ To conclude, after I have been living natural speaking English place for 2 years, my English was still poor.
My company decided sponsor me, but I have to pass my IELTS exams first. In my situation, if I don’t find someone who to help me, then it will be helpless. My friend suggested me to use Amazing talker. That’s really lucky thing which I discover Miss Soraya. In the meanwhile, she just started to use Amazing talker too. Her profile was excellent. I tried to ask her for teaching me English that is possible teach someone who like my low level, then I full in a hole call love.
Soraya is a truly teacher. She is a native speaker, and she has skill for education. She professionally analyzes my personal level and carefully condenses my teaching plan. She will patiently teach and practice with her students, especially her smile that is an amazing, just the way she always. The situation likes I care her more than my exams. I feel that I can’t make her disappoint after I got her wonderful teach.
Perhaps IELTS 5 points for many people that is an easy thing, but beside my terrible English that was an impossible goal for me. My friends couldn’t believe I improved my English so fast after I have finished my classes. Even I was hard to believe it, and I am so happy.
Not a single effort of yours will go in vain. You will be rewarded for your pain. Your hard work will bring you a lot of gain.
“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible!’’

8 Reseñas

  • 你好!多謝分享很棒的文章!
  • 我在AT提升了我的西班牙文以及從零開始學習越南文,真的受益良多。
  • 我自己在AT也有很多不一樣的想法,
  • ''Not a single effort of yours will go in vain''
    Thank you bro!
  • always say, practice, practice, practice. Its the only way to get better at anything, even languages. Good job!
  • 👏
  • Thank you
  • nice!